SDL Fabrications

SDL FAbrication

At Vinyl Lite Technology Inc., we specialize in delivering top-notch Simulated Divided Lites to the window and door industry. Our commitment to precision and quality sets us apart as a trusted partner in enhancing the aesthetics of your products.

SDL Fabrication Options

The Bullet

An excellent choice for small-volume customers and those new to SDLs, the Bullet provides a compact, efficient solution. Its user-friendly design makes it indispensable for field service, offering consistent performance in on-site applications.

Derringer Punch

Designed for versatility, the Derringer Punch simplifies the operation of our Magnum Punch, making it perfect for a wide range of production needs. It creates a precise lap joint, allowing SDLs to be easily pieced together with a seamless, professional finish.

Magnum Punch

As the most advanced SDL fabrication machine on the market, the Magnum Punch delivers exceptional efficiency for high-demand production. Easy to operate and requiring minimal effort, it’s a powerful tool that offers maximum productivity with a relatively small investment.


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